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2024-12-30 18:10
印度年度大事記 製造持續發威、Make in India成關鍵詞 - DIGITIMES
2024-12-30 16:00
Cats can get bird flu: Here’s how to protect them 貓可能感染禽流感 如何採取保護措施? - Taipei Times
2024-12-30 12:00
Survey: 76% in Taiwan identify as Taiwanese - TVBS
2024-12-27 16:01
Trailblazer in Regenerative Medicine: Meet Taiwan’s Pioneer in Parkinson’s Stem Cell Therapy! - 環球生技月刊
2024-12-27 13:02
花IN台北 兩年吸客800萬人次 - Yahoo奇摩新聞
2024-12-26 15:00
「人中之龍8外傳Pirates in Hawaii」新周邊登場!還有夏威夷企業聯動周邊! - Saiga NAK
2024-12-27 02:21
花IN台北近兩年超過800萬人參觀 台北花季綻放城市魅力 @去旅行新聞網 - 野旅行
2024-12-24 16:05
Ambassador Hsu Welcomes Southern Taiwan Science Park Bureau Delegation to Join AusBiotech - ROC Embassies and Missions Abroad
2024-12-27 04:33
Dive IN全球舞台 TREE新創攜前瞻技術亮相CES - 電子工程專輯
2024-12-29 01:52
練舞室也能成為時尚秀!GD練舞隨意配戴的這頂帽子紅了,超小眾的韓國品牌「ALL IN COMPLETE」一夜翻紅 - PopLady
2024-12-26 02:47
爵士迷 Meet Jazz in RTI - Rti 中央廣播電臺
2024-12-27 09:10
花IN台北:打造療癒城市綠洲 累積800萬參觀人次! - 台灣好新聞
2024-12-29 19:00
《TAIPEI TIMES》 Improved technology detects origins, prevents foreign leaves in local tea - 自由時報
2024-12-29 00:35
「美國賽車節 IN TAINAN」明年1/18-19臺南登場 - 蕃新聞
2024-12-26 03:18
All In民族產業?陸「舉國體制」下的供應鏈悲歌- 兩岸 - 工商時報
2024-12-30 05:53
Ko Wen-je secures NT$40M bail in scandal case - TVBS
2024-12-27 02:28
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2024-12-27 03:32
「hololive production 限定合作快閃店」in高雄夢時代 全新周邊活動規模升級 - Yahoo奇摩股市
2024-12-26 14:00
McDonald’s branch in Taiwan receives threat amid scandal - TVBS
2024-12-29 08:00
年度必看BL韓劇《大都市的愛情法》上線Netflix!10大催淚亮點:愛情與人生的遺憾,不分性別 - ELLE
2024-12-05 08:00
In observance of Christmas Day This office will be closed on Wednesday December 25, 2024 - ROC Embassies and Missions Abroad
2024-12-27 01:01
Ko Wen-je faces NT$30 million bail in corruption case - TVBS
2024-11-23 08:00
台灣一起拚!外交部舉辦「Chip in with Taiwan - 2024國際組織日」,爭取國人進一步支持政府擴大推動國際參與 - 外交部
2024-12-26 15:00
《Check-In漢陽》劇情演員介紹:裴仁赫再演王子扒光金智恩!女扮男裝+四人幫MZ版《成均館緋聞》? - Marie Claire 美麗佳人
2024-12-09 08:00
2025 Tunghai University Chinese Language Teaching Center's two-week "Kid's Mandarin Summer Camp" - ROC Embassies and Missions Abroad
2024-12-27 06:07
翻拍舊照片 摩托車展 in 松山機場展覽館 - Mobile01
2024-12-27 01:12
2025 新春送蛇麼?歐肯威士忌「轉運招財蛇」時尚出圈 給你一整年好運歐 in - 1% Style
2024-12-27 18:15
東京秋 11月Vlog東京男子日常 Life in Tokyo - 豪の島 - PChome Online 新聞
2024-12-22 11:20
南非的F1夢想成真 - Red Bull
2024-12-28 04:27
《Check-In漢陽》4人幫看似酒店求職實則各懷鬼胎!第3集今晚更新 - NOWnews 今日新聞
2024-12-23 07:00
2024 文京區Lokechare:ロケチャレin文京区 - 獎金獵人
2024-12-16 06:03
近期活動 | Is black hole spectroscopy reliable in testing GR? - 中央研究院
2024-11-19 08:00
Taiwan and India: A Partnership in Climate Act... - Taipei Economic and Cultural Center in India 駐印度台北經濟文化中心 - ROC Embassies and Missions Abroad
2024-12-30 15:00
可愛熊貓餅仔 開心果味 | U Lifestyle - 香港優惠及生活資訊平台 - U Lifestyle
2024-12-25 03:25
花IN台北 | 2025台北花季「茶花展」打頭陣 8條捷運賞花路線邀你輕鬆體驗花之美 - 民視新聞網FTVn
2024-12-25 15:15
韓團「IVE」專屬電影《IVE The 1st World Tour in Cinema》成員向台灣觀眾問好!全台限定應援場、DIVE珍藏限量小卡套票掀粉絲搶購熱潮 - ZEEK玩家誌
2024-12-26 21:30
中英對照讀新聞》81-year-old South Korean falls short in a bid to become oldest Miss Universe contestant 81歲南韓婦人未能成為最高齡的環球小姐參賽者 - 自由時報
2024-12-19 17:55
Worlds collide across time and space in Doctor Who: Worlds Apart - Epic Games
2024-12-29 16:00
Henry Jacques非一般奢華香調 情人共譜In All Intimacy香水藝術 - 星島日報
2024-12-20 06:31
「奇譚俱樂部展 in 台北」華山快閃店 - 華山1914文化創意產業園區
2024-11-19 08:00
獨/張政禹自嘲掀「金三角」手勢潮 「ALL IN」拚戰12強 - ETtoday運動雲
2024-12-21 08:02
Toward Trustworthy Automated Clinical Q&A: Grounding LLMs in Evidence with Retrieval Augmented Generation and Uncertainty Quantification - NVIDIA Daily News Report
2024-12-23 10:09
2025房市預測字「硬」,購屋IN時代! 不動產聯盟總會提房市四大建議 - 理財周刊
2024-12-06 15:35
近期活動 | The Population Ecology of Chelonia mydas (green turtle) in Taiwan - 中央研究院
2024-11-11 08:00
越在地,越國際。奧運指定設計師,周裕穎一生致力將台灣文化推向國際 - VOGUE 時尚網
2024-11-21 06:45
In observance of Thanksgiving and Day after Thanksgiving, This office will be closed on Thursday and Friday November 28, 29 2024 - ROC Embassies and Missions Abroad
2024-12-25 11:25
越南管制互聯網新法生效 人權觀察組織:對言論自由構成威脅 - RFI - 法國國際廣播電台
2024-06-26 07:00
「台中電影Fun-In季」6/28起巡迴全市29區! 盧市長化身瑪利歐加碼抽機票 - 臺中市政府
2024-10-22 07:00
《No More Room in Hell 2》Steam大多負評,完成度低、延遲高讓一代人數衝上近10年最高 - Yahoo奇摩新聞
2024-12-05 08:04
近期活動 | The Process of Healing in Medieval Chinese Buddhist Ritual - 中央研究院
2024-12-03 15:42
近期活動 | Neuroimmune Interactions in Neurodegenerative Diseases - 中央研究院
2024-12-25 02:46
NBA》即將對決聖誕大戰王者James! Curry生涯前10場聖誕大戰 僅1場得分破20 - Yahoo奇摩運動
2024-12-04 07:40
近期活動 | Understanding ascorbate metabolism in plants to enhance their resilience to biotic and abiotic stresses - 中央研究院
2024-12-03 08:00
Global SmartReading-Mandarin Contest 2024-2025 - ROC Embassies and Missions Abroad
2024-12-15 08:00
IN觀點/從尼加拉瓜看中國真面目 他們後悔斷交更想與台復交 - Yahoo奇摩新聞
2024-09-30 07:00
Taiwan’s chief Representative to Australia Mr. Douglas Hsu’s interview with SBS News - ROC Embassies and Missions Abroad
2024-11-04 08:00
Celebrating Taiwan’s 113th National Day in Vilnius! - ROC Embassies and Missions Abroad
2024-12-05 08:00
DG Homer Chang met with FICCI - ROC Embassies and Missions Abroad
2024-12-19 08:00
Unsold new homes in Taiwan reach 107,600 in Q1 - TVBS
2024-09-30 07:00
Taiwan’s chief Representative to Australia Mr. Douglas Hsu made remarks at ANU's 2023 Taiwan Update - ROC Embassies and Missions Abroad
2024-07-24 07:00
Taiwan held “Nigeria-Taiwan Business Forum” in Lagos on May, 2024. - ROC Embassies and Missions Abroad
2024-11-06 08:00
Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Denver will be closed on Nov. 11th, 2024 (Monday). - ROC Embassies and Missions Abroad
2024-08-23 07:00
18-member international service learning group of Fu Jen Catholic University paid a visit to the TECC - ROC Embassies and Missions Abroad
2024-09-30 07:00
Taiwan’s chief Representative to Australia Mr. Douglas Hsu’s interview with Nikkei Asia - ROC Embassies and Missions Abroad
2024-11-19 08:00
2024 OCAC Economic & Trade Forum Tour Took Place in the Eastern Cape - ROC Embassies and Missions Abroad
2024-09-30 07:00
Taiwan’s chief Representative to Australia Mr. Douglas Hsu’s interview with ABC News - ROC Embassies and Missions Abroad
2024-10-28 07:00
A24新片《We Live In Time》被譽為今年最感人愛情電影,由安德魯加菲爾德與佛蘿倫絲普伊主演 - VOGUE 時尚網
2024-12-23 01:33
2024國際觀光論壇in雲林 全國觀光及導遊協會齊聚交流 - Yahoo奇摩新聞
2024-10-17 06:45
近期活動 | In planta Particle Bombardment (iPB): A versatile non-culture method for genome editing enabling genotype-independent and DNA-free genome modification in crop species - 中央研究院
2024-12-20 08:00
「美國賽車節 IN TAINAN」臺南登場 黃偉哲邀請體驗國際賽事 - Yahoo奇摩新聞
2024-11-25 08:00
New progress in quantum science! Assistant Professor Shin-Liang Chen from the Department of Physics of Chung Hsing University published two breakthrough studies in the top journal - 國立中興大學
2024-12-25 06:51
慧榮:2025 年 NAND Flash 下半年開始復甦,DRAM 有變化 - TechNews 科技新報
2024-07-26 07:00
實踐夢想!獎金最高10萬元 台中「In農村青年創意徵件競賽」開跑 - 臺中市政府
2024-12-23 13:21
比利時國王博杜安列真福品案程序啟動- 梵蒂岡新聞網 - Vatican News
2024-12-20 08:00
Steam冬特銅板價《Touhou Artificial Dream in Arcadia》東方二創+致敬真女神轉生的DRPG - 4Gamers
2024-11-27 11:04
近期活動 | Navigating Scientific Publishing in the Nature Portfolio - 中央研究院
2024-12-18 08:00
Wowprime to raise wages for part-time staff in 2025 - TVBS
2024-10-29 07:00
3萬薪水咬牙All in運彩!洋基一轟出滿貫砲…秒變5.2萬嗨翻 - Yahoo奇摩股市
2024-09-30 07:00
駐澳大利亞代表處 ‘Study in Taiwan E-newsletter’ 4月號,歡迎點閱! - ROC Embassies and Missions Abroad
2024-12-25 05:00
張馨月用法國小眾品牌手袋顯品味 因《Emily in Paris》獲追捧 - 香港01
2024-12-23 11:08
新北推出優質旅宿+電子書 Check In新北感受Chill生活 - Yahoo奇摩新聞
2024-10-14 07:00
2024-08-28 07:00
影集《In Vogue:90年代》:從安娜溫圖視角帶你看動盪又美好的90年代:超模誕生、Tom Ford帶領翻轉Gucci - VOGUE 時尚網
2024-11-21 08:00
Former President Tsai Ing-wen has arrived in Canada - ROC Embassies and Missions Abroad
2024-11-06 08:00
In observance of Veterans Day This office will be closed on Monday November 11, 2024 - ROC Embassies and Missions Abroad
2024-10-04 03:41
TALENT, in Taiwan人才永續行動!2024響應簽署|Cheers雜誌 - Cheers快樂工作人雜誌
2024-11-06 09:12
近期活動 | In Defense of the Informal in Papua New Guinea, or, What Legal Pluralism Really Looks Like - 中央研究院
2024-09-18 07:00
NCHU Medical Students Achieve 100 percent Pass Rate in First Stage of National Medical Examination - 國立中興大學
2024-12-19 08:00
Taiwan sees rise in cancer cases, lung cancer leads - TVBS
2024-11-22 08:00
12強/All IN!上壘狂比「金三角」 東蛋首分張政禹發起 - Yahoo奇摩新聞
2024-09-19 07:00
老婆all in債券...降息後「30張美債卻漲不動」哭哭!專家:大戲剛開演 - Yahoo奇摩股市
2024-12-20 08:00
美國FD官方賽事首次在台舉辦 「美國賽車節 IN TAINAN」將於2025年1/18、19登場 - Yahoo奇摩新聞
2024-12-20 08:00
首度在台登場!快閃店「CAPCOM POP-UP Store in Taiwan」現場直擊 - 巴哈姆特電玩資訊站
2024-07-06 07:00
TECO in LA sponsored and supported the Taiwan Global Eastbound Association of Launching America (Teala) to hold the "2024 Taiwan Selects LA" seminar. - ROC Embassies and Missions Abroad
2024-12-20 08:00
Headers 攜手 911 Assistant 推出全新聯名系列「Pulse in Motion」 - HYPEBEAST
2024-10-25 07:00
2024 K-Musical Roadshow in Taipei將登場 台韓音樂劇交流熱鬧展開 - PAR 表演藝術雜誌
2024-10-07 07:00
NCHU Receives Over NT$18 Million in MOE Doctoral Scholarships, Ranks Sixth Nationwide - 國立中興大學
2024-12-17 08:00
Threads tops Taiwan’s free iPhone app downloads in 2024 - TVBS
2024-12-13 15:34
Warframe is taking things back to 1999 in its latest expansion - Epic Games
2024-08-05 07:00
「Taiwan In毛巾」2.0出爐啦!麟洋配金牌2連霸新款樣式「既是巧合也藏巧思」:台灣人一看都笑了 - 今周刊-在今天看見明天
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